summer wedding in croatia

Love so pure, so young, so free.

This is a story about Nicole & Roko. A story about their love, marked by innocence, trust, and ingenuousness.

I feel beyond grateful for spending a whole wedding weekend with them, documenting invaluable moments among family and friends from Canada, Philippines, Croatia and the U.S.

These days were marked by waves and sunshine, endless conversations, endless laughter and endless love.




catching the sunrise together


5 am chronicles

The day began with the soft colors of the sunrise painting the sky as Nicole and Roko, filled with anticipation, stood by the river Neretva where it meets the Adriatic Sea. Roko´s childhood memories flooded back as he recalled spending endless summers by the riverbanks with his grandparents.

As we were walking around, the playful banter and shared laughter between the two of them allowed me to effortlessly capture the essence of their love and document this feeling of a beautiful lightness of being together.

we then hit the road and decided to visit roko´s grandparents.
Arriving at their tranquil home, the stillness of the early hour enveloped the family in a warm embrace.

Roko´s parents were there too.

They welcomed us with open arms, his mother preparing coffee and his father taking care of breakfast. The grandparents, whose faces lit up with joy when they saw us, shared stories of a lifetime spent together in the very same house the grandpa built when he married Roko´s grandma, which stood as a testament to their enduring love.

it was just 7am

breakfast with family


The morning sun gently kissed our faces as we sat around the table, surrounded by the beautiful scents of  citrus, jasmine, and olives. The warmth of the summer air wrapped around us like a comforting embrace which created a tender sense of belonging.

generations together.

This simple act of sharing a meal together allowed me to truly see how much family means to Roko and Nicole and allowed me to get to know them deeper, which then resulted in these honest documentations.

Going through childhood memories

Looking over to the river and the family´s olive tree plantations, they told me about their homemade olive oil they've been making for decades.

Before we left, I received a bottle of this precious gift from Roko and his grandparents — a symbol of the deep-rooted love that ran through generations.

The air was filled with love and gratitude, a tangible reminder of the beauty of family and heritage.

fast forward 24 hours... THE day came.

June 3rd 2023

the wedding day


Getting ready

As I stepped into the room where Nicole was getting ready, I was immediately enveloped in a sense of love and anticipation. Surrounded by her closest friends, her grandmother, and her mother, there was a tangible sense of connection and intimacy as they prepared for one of the most significant moments of Nicole's life.

The sight of her grandmother lovingly painting her nails, the maid of honour delicately helping her into her exquisite wedding dress, it was evident that every detail was infused with love and care.

As they shared emotional moments together, reminiscing about cherished memories and reflecting on the beautiful bonds they shared, I couldn't help but feel like I was witnessing something truly special.

The room was filled with laughter, tears, and heartfelt conversations, each moment adding to the palpable sense of love and emotion that permeated the air.

As I captured these beautiful moments through my lens, I couldn't help but be moved by the depth of the connections between these women, the strength of their bond shining through in every glance, every touch.

It was a privilege to witness such a touching and intimate moment, to be a part of the quiet beauty of a bride surrounded by the women who have shaped her life. As Nicole prepared to walk down the aisle and begin a new chapter of her life, it was clear that she was surrounded by a village of love and support that would carry her through the challenges and joys that lay ahead.

The groom and the groomsmen

Well, they were all still buzzing from their morning spent swimming in the sea, their laughter echoing off the walls. The atmosphere was relaxed and easy-going, with the groom and his best man sharing a drink and swapping stories.

In that room, in those simple moments of getting ready, I saw the true essence of love and connection. It was a reminder of the power of relationships, of the strength that comes from being surrounded by those who know and love you best. It was a reminder that, in the end, it is the people we love and the connections we share that truly matter.


Wedding Ceremony at the Village Church

The ceremony took place in a beautiful church by the river, where the couple exchanged heartfelt vows in front of their closest friends and family. The love and emotion in the air were palpable as the two became one in the eyes of their loved ones. And then as they were exiting the church, as if on cue, the heavens opened and a soft rain began to fall, bathing the ceremony in a mystical glow. As the newlyweds sealed their union with a kiss, the raindrops seemed to dance in celebration around them, a beautiful and honest tribute to the love that had brought them together.


Gathering under the sun rays

After the ceremony, everyone moved to a nearby winery for a cocktail hour, where they were able to take in the breathtaking views of the sea and hills, gathered under the warm sun to enjoy cold beverages and delicious oysters. The atmosphere was light and joyful, with everyone basking in the love and happiness of the newlyweds. It was a perfect summer day, surrounded by the Adriatic Sea and lush green hills, making for an idyllic backdrop for such a special occasion.

The warm summer breeze and the sound of the soft waves in the distance created a romantic and intimate setting for the celebration. Laughter filled the air as guests shared stories and memories, and soon the dance floor was full of people moving and grooving to the music, celebrating the love that brought everyone together.


Just the two of them.

I invited Nicole & Roko to sneak out of the crowd and enjoy a private moment together, just the two of them, watching the sunset.

It was a simple gesture, a moment of peace amidst the chaos of the day, but it was a moment that I knew should be documented, that they would cherish forever.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the beach, I could see the Nicole & Roko basking in the warmth of their love.

I could see the emotions playing out on their faces - the love, the joy, the gratitude for finding each other in this vast and unpredictable world. And in that moment, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the power of love - the way it could bring two people together and create a bond that was unbreakable.


Love is a beautiful thing, I thought, as I watched them walk back to the crowd, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. In that moment, I knew that love would always be their guiding light, their anchor in a world of uncertainty. And for that, I was grateful - grateful to have witnessed such a beautiful moment of love and to have played a small part in their journey.

It was a privilege to document such a truly magical and elegant wedding, filled with romance, emotion, and joy.